A Non-Profit Initiative

Balvikas Montessorie School

कर्तव्य ही जीवन है|

Telibagh , Lucknow

Supported By

beyond exams 11zon


How we do it

Balvikas Montessorie School has worked with orphanages and communities all over India to provide end-to-end working models for effective digital skill trainings.

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Well-equipped lab

We provide well equipped lab with more than 10 laptops, excellent internet connection and all required sources to our students.

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Upskill the Students

Hands-on curriculums, resources and mentoring support are made available to students

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Learn by project

Prioritizing project-based learning to enhance student’s understanding of subjects

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Future Ready Skills

Students learn industry-relevant skills and get future ready skills by completing the program.

Peer-learning approach

How we are different

We train a small batch of students.
These students Create their Project and Explain it to Class.

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The Curriculum

A designed curriculum with all the resources and materials for teachers to use in the learning pods and help students understand computer basics and advance skills.


How to use mouse, keyboard, Gmail, file system, Google translate, URL search, and Google drive.

Skill Courses

Slide course, Doc Course, Post using Canva, Reels using Canva, and portfolio website using WordPress.


Advance training provided in web development, app development, and digital marketing. Helping students to find internship opportunities.

The Impact

Providing an alternative to the traditional education (Click the impact Box to know more)


“Co-Ed” class: This class welcomes students of all genders and provides a diverse and inclusive learning environment.


“60 students have officially registered, we’re excited to see the turnout for our course!”

Students through word of mouth

We’re thrilled to see that 70% of our new students found out about us through word-of-mouth, it’s a true indication of the quality of our program

attend on a daily basis

We’re seeing great participation with 30+ students attending our program daily.

courses to learn

Our goal is to empower students with digital skills, we’re offering 100+ free Beyond Exams courses to do just that.


Memories and glimpses of BVMS

UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

Our Efforts Support the SDGs (Click the SDGs Box to know more)


Through technological resources, teacher training, and learning assistance for children, we enhance access to high-quality education and democratize access to computing.


We put a lot of effort into making sure that our learning methods and opportunities promote gender equality. We aim to spread knowledge widely and achieve gender equity in education.

Decent work & economics

We help children to get ready for the future by giving them knowledge, confidence, and access to technology. For them to contribute to economic growth, we help improve their creative thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure

In order to support economic growth and human well-being, we seek to construct high-quality, dependable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure in the education sector, with an emphasis on ensuring that every student has access to it.


By expanding educational access, we actively lower inequality. Working with young people who face educational barriers or who come from backgrounds that are typically underrepresented is something we prioritize.

Success Story

Stories about students who benefitted the most through us

Our Team

The sweat and blood of over 35 individuals is spent every day to deliver the best quality of education and service to all our partners and clients.
BVMS is the brainchild of the following entrepreneurs:

Punam Baranawal

Punam Baranawal


Pankaj Baranwal

Navneet Sir


Navneet Sir

Navneet Sir

School Teacher

Anjali Tiwari

Anjali Tiwari



Have you got a question?
How do I get involved?

Please send us an email at pankaj@beyondexams.org.
If you want to integrate BVMS with your non-profit, please add in the subject “Get Involved”. Thank you!

If you are a non-profit or your organisation works with kids in India, you can avail our services at no extra cost!

The pricing of our services depends on the number of students being serviced. This price will include a one-time installment cost and a recurring monthly/annual service cost.
Please contact us at pankaj@beyondexams.org to know more.
We assure you, our prices are quite reasonable and our services, exceptional!


LFP aim’s to empower the student

Did we miss anything?

Reach out to us at pankaj@beyondexams.org 😊